Wednesday, October 19, 2016

In my former life...

  Not many people know this about me, but I am a retired superhero. I used to throw on a cape, fly with the birds and save people that did not want to be saved. I would see my fellow man drowning and would extend an arm...only to be scoffed at. I look back on those days and thank the heavens that I no longer cape for those that do not want to be saved. It was a very exhausting task and always drained me of my superpowers (I guess it was my kryptonite). I am not sure why I was given the superpower of saving people but it was almost the death of me. It was never hard to find these victims, and there was always someone that needed saving!

     Initially, I had just thought of myself as being honest. I was told many times that I had no filter and at first I didn't understand. Everyone wanted honesty, right? Who could deny an honest opinion, even if it was most likely unwarranted? I learned that no one valued my opinions, they saw me as offensive. Even people that would pride themselves on wanting honesty, could not accept it. It was quite confusing, but being so committed to growth, l decided to change my strategy. I reasoned with myself that people only want honesty when they ask for it. I decided to refine my superpowers and only cape for people that asked to be saved. So, that meant that I gave no unwarranted opinions. If my opinion was wanted, it'd have to be asked of me.

     Having someone ask for my opinion left me with a give or not to give? Being the superhero that I was, I had to give of myself. I quickly came to the realization that people don't want to be saved, not even from themselves. People would ask for my opinion and get offended just the same. People would ask for my opinion and do exactly what they wanted to do in the first place. (kryptonite) It was almost pointless for me to open my mouth. I told myself many times to not give this part of myself and it was hard to let it go. I learned the lessons the hard way, but I'll never forget.

     I learned that it is not my responsibility to make, or help, anyone choose a path in life. Everyone has to live according to their own truth and just because I don't understand their line of doesn't make them wrong. I can only help people to see their options. I can only tell of my life experiences and what worked for me. I learned that no one will change what they are doing, or change anything about themselves, until they want to change (message!). These days, my cape remains in the back of the closet collecting dust. If I happen to see someone drowning, I throw them a life raft and they can choose to drown or not. But this superhero is not coming out of retirement, not now and not ever.

"Don't save her, she don't want to be saved" -Project Pat

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