Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Quote Notes

     "The truth shall set you free"

     One of the best things that I could have ever done, was to ask God to help me to make a change (because God doesn't change people... people change themselves). I had always, always known that I wanted different but did not know how to get to different. I had no clue that how I spoke to myself, and what I spoke of myself, played a major part in my movement, or lack thereof. It was easy to blame my past, or people in my past, but that game got old. I had reached a point in life where I knew it was time for me to take full responsibility of where I was. God heard me, like He always does, and thankfully I listened.

     One particular night, God told me to write down every lie that I had been told, and believed about myself. I do not remember how long it took me but my list was very long. On a separate piece of paper, I wrote down the truth that countered the lie. I read the list of lies aloud and started to cry. I could not believe the things that I had allowed others to convince me to believe. I could not believe the things that I had said about myself. It was quite heartbreaking.

     After the initial shock of it all, I read the truisms aloud. I began to sit up a little taller, projected my voice louder and I felt confident in my forward movement. The shift was amazing and it was quick, or so I thought. After reading that list, I looked back over the lies and said to myself,

"Who taught you how to hate yourself?"

     I could not name one particular person. I realized that I learned those things by default so, I forgave myself and went to sleep. The next day, the lies flooded back to my mind. I realized that I had to unlearn 20-something years of lies and replace them with my new truth. In order for me to do that, I had to daily affirm myself. There have been days that I have been fine with saying my affirmations one time. There have been days that I have had to repeat them over and over. On the really hard days, I have had to repeatedly say my affirmations, and even listen to a recording of myself saying them, so that I could replace the noise inside of my head.

     The amount of things that I have been able to accomplish, as a result of my belief and practice of affirmations, are innumerable. Affirmations are an amazing gift from God to me. Affirmations have allowed me to recognize the lies that I've been taught to believe, regarding who I am, and (AND!) have replaced these lies with the truth.

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